Online Account and Login Questions:

How do I log in to my online account?
  1. Navigate to
  2. Your default password can be found in your enrollment confirmation email, 或者你可以通过电子邮件点击“忘记用户名或密码”来找回你的密码?”
  3. If you are still unable to log in, please contact customer service at: (877) 738-7737 and we can assist you
What can I do from my Revolution Student Dashboard?


Session Technical Questions:

Before Your First Online Session or Exam:
  1. When you’re ready to join your session, 登录到你的学生仪表板,点击“Live Now”横幅中的“加入”按钮,该横幅在你计划的开始时间前5分钟出现在所有页面上.
  2. The download should start automatically. 当应用程序下载完成后,打开下载的文件并安装应用程序.
  3. When Zoom is finished installing, you can simply close the application. You don’t need to set up an account.
  4. When you’re ready to join your next session, log in to your student dashboard account, click on Schedule, 然后在预定开始时间的10分钟内,点击你的课程旁边的“加入”.
Online Class or exam session won’t launch?

Make sure you are using Google Chrome, Safari, 或从Mac或Windows PC访问在线会话时使用Mozilla Firefox.

  1. Make sure all software on your computer is up to date. 如果您最近登录到您的计算机,它要求您进行更新,但您没有, please take the time to make the update now.
  2. If your internet connection is unstable or slow, you may experience problems with your online session. 使用无线网络的学生比使用有线网络的学生更常看到这种情况. 如果可能的话,在有有线以太网连接的计算机上访问您的会话.
  3. Make sure your browser isn’t blocking pop-ups. Check for a pop-up blocker in the url bar.
  4. Another possible culprit is the browser. Every browser needs the Zoom plug-in to run smoothly. If, for any reason, 插件在启动过程中失败或崩溃,您将继续获得Zoom加载页面.
  5. If the session hangs when you attempt to join a meeting, try closing the browser, and try re-launching in a new browser. For example, if you were attempting to launch a session in Safari and got stuck, you might try launching the session from Google Chrome.
  6. If you do not turn off your computer frequently, please do so now. 如果您的计算机在重新启动后提示您进行任何其他软件更新, 请在尝试参加任何在线课程或考试之前进行这些更新.
  7. Your webcam should automatically activate when you join the session. 一旦你登录到虚拟教室,激活或关闭你的网络摄像头, 点击窗口左下角你名字旁边的相机/视频图标.
  8. Our partners at Zoom are online program and troubleshooting experts. 如果你按照上面的指示,仍然不能解决你的问题, please call the Zoom Tech Support Team at: 888-799-9666 x2.
How can I self-proctor a practice exam?

在考试页面的顶部,单击“自我监考”,然后选择ACT、PSAT或SAT. Then choose Standard Time or Extended Time.

Issues with Zoom: Audio or Video issues?
  1. Audio or video issues with online session? 点击窗口左下角的音频或视频图标,检查您的音频和视频设置.
  2. There are various audio outputs for a given computer. 默认音频可以关联到不同的扬声器,如(AirPlay), Bluetooth Speakers, Etc.) and those speakers could be off or on low volume.
  3. This video is a great resource to help you troubleshoot your video and audio settings.
  4. 学生们应该注意他们是否插入了耳机,或者是否使用了外部扬声器. Zoom允许您使用不同的扬声器和麦克风(可能与默认设置不同)
Supported Operating Systems
Supported Browsers


Practice Exam Questions:

How can I take an online proctored exam?
  1. Log in to your online account. Once logged in, click on Exams.
  2. At the top of the Exams page, underneath Launch a Proctored Exam Session, choose SAT or ACT and click view
  3. The proctored exam video cannot be stopped or paused, so make sure you are ready to take the test when you start the video.
Can I use any pencil or calculator during the exam?
May I write on the exam booklet?
Can I pause the self-proctored video?
Can I eat or drink anything during the exam?
When will I receive my exam score?
我在哪里可以报名参加考试准备课程或Revolution prep的一对一辅导?
How do I score my exam online?
  1. Download the Revolution Prep app, 通过给答题纸上的每一页拍照来快速评分.
  2. 或者,转到学生仪表板上的考试页面,点击“给我的考试打分”.你会被要求选择考试科目并选择表格代码(在你的考试手册的首页找到)。.
How do I check my practice exam scores?
  1. Login to your online account. Once logged in, click on Exams.
  2. All exams that have been previously graded will be listed on the page.
  3. Click on View Report to view the full detailed score report for that exam.
I need to a take a practice exam but I don’t have my materials yet. What do I do?
  1. 点击“下载考试”,找到正确的考试和答题卡(您的导师可以帮助您确定先参加哪门考试)。.
  2. 您可以通过您的在线帐户下载任何考试的电子PDF文件.
  3. Once logged in to your account, click on the “Exams” icon.
  4. You will see a drop down menu labeled “Download a Practice Exam”. 选择SAT的“g系列”试题或ACT的“h系列”试题,点击“Go”下载试题文件.
  5. You will be able to download and save the electronic PDF file of the exam. 如果需要完成第一次练习考试,您可以使用PDF考试或打印出来.

Official SAT/ACT Registration:

How do I sign up for official SAT or ACT?
  1. 官方SAT的注册是通过美国大学理事会组织完成的. You can register for the exam through their website:
  2. 官方ACT的注册是通过ACT学生组织完成的. You can register for the exam through their website:

SAT/ACT Group Course Questions:

How do I access my online Small Group class?
  1. Login to your online account. Once logged in, click on the “Schedule” icon.
  2. 你会看到课程时间表,每个课程旁边都有一个“加入课程”按钮.
  3. 在课程安排的日期和时间点击“加入课程”按钮,它将自动启动在线课程.
What if I miss a class?

我们鼓励学生参加所有的SAT或ACT课程. 如果你不能参加任何课程,请联系你的导师.

  1. Login to your online account. Once logged in, click on the “Prepfest” icon.
  2. Make sure to select the exam type the top of the page (SAT or ACT).
  3. You will see numerous class videos. Each class covers certain curriculum/material.
  4. 每门课的教学大纲和课程设置在课程练习册的3-5页.
  5. Each topic listed in the workbook corresponds with one of the video titles. 只需观看所有的视频,这些视频是你错过的课程中预定要涵盖的主题.
What is my class schedule?
  1. 你可以通过登录你的在线账户找到你的课程时间表.
  2. Once logged into your online account, click on the “Schedule” icon.
  3. You class schedule will be listed there.
  4. If any changes are made to your course, 这里列出的时间表将始终反映最新的课程时间表.